Happy birthday man, I raise my metaphorical glass to you as well! That was a lovely ready. Today I woke up at 3:40 and I’ve been waking up st 3:40 a lot lately so I googled it. I was like, there’s gotta be a reason for this. Anyways, turns out it has something to do with nature and I was like “cool” let me meditate, because that’s what YouTube Gurú guy told me. It was super nice. Idk I just thought I’d share that with you because it felt really nice.
In that moment, we see we are surrounded by and part of a process so wondrous, mysterious and magnificent that our petty concerns look like a mote of dust by comparison. In that moment (or should I say “this” moment because it’s always in this moment) our finest qualities can come out: compassion, love, generosity, humility, forgiveness, peace, gratitude, and a whole universe of ways we can be toward each other that goes beyond survival.
I really liked this part, thank you again for sharing. It really helped lift a lot of worries off my shoulder, thanks again man, for your wisdom.
✌️Dread Pirate Roberts